Built on principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism, fellow Knights assist in programs that support the parish, help the needy, disabled and homeless and provide financial help for Catholic families.
Meets the first & third Tuesday of every month at 7:30 in the St. Peter's school cafe. Grand Knight for 2016 is Mark Smith at 262-352-8552.
Their many functions include: Tootsie Roll drive, Corn & Brat Roast on the Square, Bowling & Dart Tournament, Corporate Communion, Family Picnic, High School Senior Scholarships, help with Blood Drives, Fall Festival, Helping Hands Community Rummage and usher for Sunday masses as well as Holy Days of Obligation.
Father Mark has asked the Knights to ensure all masses are covered by ushers. We are looking to have 2-man teams for each weekend mass and all holy day/special masses that have a collection. 1 man from each team would need to be at their mass ensuring the collection was conducted and the gifts presented with help from parish members at that mass. The 2-man concept will provided flexibility and ensure backup if an usher can’t make a mass. If you can form and/or help as part of a 2-man team for a mass please contact Skip Verick at 363-2818.
Group Contact: Fred Kmiec
Meets the first & third Tuesday of every month at 7:30 in the St. Peter's school cafe. Grand Knight for 2016 is Mark Smith at 262-352-8552.
Their many functions include: Tootsie Roll drive, Corn & Brat Roast on the Square, Bowling & Dart Tournament, Corporate Communion, Family Picnic, High School Senior Scholarships, help with Blood Drives, Fall Festival, Helping Hands Community Rummage and usher for Sunday masses as well as Holy Days of Obligation.
Father Mark has asked the Knights to ensure all masses are covered by ushers. We are looking to have 2-man teams for each weekend mass and all holy day/special masses that have a collection. 1 man from each team would need to be at their mass ensuring the collection was conducted and the gifts presented with help from parish members at that mass. The 2-man concept will provided flexibility and ensure backup if an usher can’t make a mass. If you can form and/or help as part of a 2-man team for a mass please contact Skip Verick at 363-2818.
Group Contact: Fred Kmiec